
Showing posts from June, 2024

The Ironic Reality of Socialist Control Over AI: A Recipe for "Fairly Distributed Misery"

In an era where technology is advancing at an unprecedented pace, the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) has brought both excitement and concern. One particularly loud argument is the cry to prevent AI from being controlled by a few powerful companies. Instead, the proposal is to place strict guardrails and regulations on its development and deployment. But as we delve deeper into this notion, we encounter an ironic twist: the very idea of placing AI in the hands of a centralized regulatory body is a textbook example of the socialist obsession with control, and it brings along its own set of paradoxes and pitfalls. The Illusion of Freedom Through Control The idea that we can achieve greater freedom by entrusting AI oversight to a centralized authority is an enticing but ultimately flawed one. History is replete with examples showing that when power is concentrated in the hands of a few, whether in the form of government officials or a regulatory elite, the result is rarely the freedo

"Far-Right" parties have nothing to to with the Right

Extreme right parties often position themselves as traditional conservatives or advocates of nationalist policies, but many political analysts argue that they are fundamentally populists rather than true right-wing conservatives. Here’s why: Populism Over Principles Anti-Establishment Rhetoric : Extreme right parties frequently employ a populist strategy of framing themselves as outsiders battling a corrupt elite. This approach transcends traditional left-right distinctions and focuses more on appealing to widespread dissatisfaction with the status quo. Economic Policies : Traditional right-wing policies emphasize free markets and fiscal conservatism. However, many extreme right parties advocate for protectionist economic measures and increased government intervention, which align more closely with populist economics than with classic right-wing principles. Identity Politics : Populism thrives on creating an “us vs. them” narrative. Extreme right parties often emphasize national identi