"AI for Good"? Let's Be Real.

 Alright, let's talk about this whole "AI for Good" and "Responsible AI" movement. I get it—sounds great, right? I mean, who wouldn’t want AI to do good things? But here’s the problem: we don’t even know what "good" is. If you asked 10 different governments or regulatory bodies what’s "good," you’d get 10 wildly different answers. Let’s be honest, governments can barely agree on how to make a sandwich, let alone decide on the ethical boundaries of artificial intelligence.

Think about it—these are the same people that can’t figure out how to run a budget, but somehow they’re going to guide the ethical development of AI? Sure. I’m supposed to believe that a bunch of bureaucrats can define “good” when they can’t even distinguish between “long-term planning” and “short-term political pandering.” These are the folks who push regulations based on whichever way the wind is blowing that day, not on any logical framework. 

And speaking of logical frameworks, the whole idea of AI for Good completely disregards the fact that AI is way too complex for us to truly grasp the consequences of our "good intentions." Remember how we used to think nuclear energy was going to save the world? Yeah, well, now we’ve got radioactive waste and nuclear proliferation. "Good intentions" often lead to outcomes that nobody anticipated or wanted. The same is true with AI.

Meanwhile, the only system that's ever been remotely effective at processing vast amounts of information to make reasonably good decisions is the market. The market doesn’t care about your feelings, your politics, or your “good intentions." It processes information coldly, efficiently, and reacts to supply and demand dynamics that we can barely wrap our heads around. If we want AI to function in a way that actually benefits society, it should operate with market-driven forces, not some abstract idea of moral responsibility dictated by the least competent people in the room.

Let’s also remember, AI is already too complicated. We’re building systems we don’t even fully understand, so what makes us think we can design them to follow some moral code? Half the time we don’t even know why AI makes certain decisions, but sure, let's program it to "do good." Right.

What we need is less talk about "AI for Good" and more focus on AI for Results. Let the markets drive innovation, and let’s stop pretending we know how to control AI like it’s a puppy we can train. 


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